

“Firenze Archeofilm” Award

to the most voted film by popular jury
The winner is:

“Le mystérieux volcan du Moyen-Âge” (Il misterioso vulcano del Medioevo)
Director: Pascal Guérin

Country: Francia
Running time: 52’
Year of production: 2017
Producer: Kwanza, CNRS Images, Blink Films, IRD
Scientific consultant: Franck Lavigne, LGP CNRS Meudon, Jean-Christophe Komorowski, IPGP, CNRS, Myriam Khodri, IRD

“University of Florence” Award

Jury of University of Florence professors: Fabio Martini (Storia, Archeologia, Geografia, Arte e Spettacolo), Silvia Pezzoli (Scienze della comunicazione), Federico Pierotti (Storia del cinema)
The winner is:

“La casa dei dirigibili. L’Hangar di Augusta tra passato e presente”
Director: Lorenzo Daniele

Country: Italia
Running time: 45’
Year of production: 2016, riedizione 2018
Producer: Fine Art Produzioni srl e Alzati Augusta Ass. Culturale
Scientific consultant: Ilario Saccomanno, Antonello Forestiere

Museo e Istituto Fiorentino di Preistoria” Award

to the best prehistoric archeology film
Jury: Fabio Martini (archaeologist), Domenico Lo Vetro (archaeologist), Silvia Casciarri (archaeologist), Federico Micali (cinematographic director)
The winner is:

“De l’art au temps des dinosaures?” (Arte al tempo dei dinosauri?)
Director: Jean-Luc Bouvret, François-Xavier Vives
Country: Francia

Running time: 52’
Year of production: 2016
Producer: Gabriel Chabanier/Le Miroir
Scientific consultant: Paul Bahn (UK), Jean-Loïc Le Quellec (CNRS France)

ex aequo

“Ercole Contu e la scoperta della Tomba dei Vasi tetrapodi”
Director: Andrea Fenu

Country: Italia
Running time: 19′
Year of production: 2016/2017
Producer: Associazione Culturale Archeofoto Sardegna
Scientific consultant: Nadia Canu


to the film that has been able to combine the didactic intent with the popular one and presented the discovery or the archaeological study as part of the historical and social heritage of a community

Jury: Andrea Bellotti (Let’s Dig Again), Stefania Berutti (Memorie dal Mediterraneo), Giovina Caldarola (Aquinum), Marta Coccoluto (giornalista), Astrid D’Eredità  (Archeopop), Antonia Falcone (Professione Archeologo), Marina Lo Blundo (Generazione di Archeologi), Mattia Mancini (DjedMedu), Domenica Pate (Professione Archeologo), Paola Romi (archeologa), Michele Stefanile (Archeologia Subacquea Blog), Alessandro Tagliapietra (Archeologia Subacquea Blog)
The winner is:

“La casa dei dirigibili. L’Hangar di Augusta tra passato e presente”
Director: Lorenzo Daniele

Country: Italia
Running time: 45’
Year of production: 2016/2018
Producer: Fine Art Produzioni srl e Alzati Augusta Ass. Culturale
Scientific consultant: Ilario Saccomanno, Antonello Forestiere

top 20

1° Le mystérieux volcan du Moyen-Âge
Director: Pascal Guérin – Country: Francia – Producer: Kwanza, CNRS Images, Blink Films, IRD

2° Le harem du Pharaon-Soleil
Director: Richard Reisz – Country: Inghilterra – Producer: TV6 Production en association avec ARTE France

3° Enquêtes archéologiques. Persépolis, le paradis perse
Director: Angès Molia, Raphaël Licandro – Country: Francia – Producer: Christie Molia

4° A gigantic jigsaw puzzle: the epicurean inscription of Diogenes of Oinoanda
Director: Nazım Güveloglu – Country: Turchia – Producer: The Middle East Technical University

 Mésopotamie, une civilisation oubliée
Director: Yann Coquart  – Country: Francia – Producer: Un film à la patte, CNRS Images, Arte France

6° Terra X – Sensationsfund in Brasilien
Director: Peter Prestel, Saskia Weisheit – Country: Germania – Producer: Peter Prestel Filmproduktion, ZDF

7° La tombe de Gengis Khan, le secret dévoilé
Director: Cédric Robion – Country: Francia – Producer: Blanche Guichou / AGAT Films & Cie

8° Chambord, le chateau, le roi et l’architecte
Director: Marc Jampolsky – Country: Francia – Producer: Gedeon Programmes, Stéphane Milliere, Corine Janin, CNRS, INRAP, CMN

9° La Cité Interdite revelée
Director: Ian Bremner – Country: Inghilterra – Producer: Lion TV

10° Le acque segrete di Palermo
Director: Stefania Casini – Country: Italia – Producer: Bizef Produzione Srl

11° The kingdom of salt. 7000 years of Hallstatt
Director: Domingo Rodes – Country: Spagna – Producer: Fundacion de la C.V. Marq, Departamento de Imagen Diputacion Provincial de Alicante

12° Enquêtes archéologiques. Le crépuscule des Mochicas
Director: Angès Molia, Nathalie Laville – Country: Francia – Producer: Christie Molia

13° Enquêtes en eaux profondes – Le naufrage du Francesco Crispi
Director: Guilain Depardieu, Frédéric Lossignol – Country: Francia – Producer: Gedeon Programmes, Drassm

14° Great human odyssey
Director: Niobe Thompson – Country: USA – Producer: NOVA

15° Traianus – optimus princeps
Director: Livio Zerbini, Giovanni Ganino – Country: Italia – Producer: LAD (Laboratorio di studi e ricerche sulle Antiche province Danubiane), Università di Ferrara

16° De l’art au temps des dinosaures?
Director: Jean-Luc Bouvret, François-Xavier Vives – Country: Francia – Producer: Gabriel Chabanier/Le Miroir

17° Iceman Reborn
Director: Bonnie Brennan – Country: USA – Producer: WGBH Educational Foundation, NOVA Production by Bsquared Media for WGBH Boston in association with ARTE France

18° La casa dei dirigibili. L’Hangar di Augusta tra passato e presente
Director: Lorenzo Daniele – Country: Italia – Producer: Fine Art Produzioni srl, Alzati Augusta Ass. Culturale

19° Secret of Sakdrisi
Director: Toma Chagelishvili – Country: Georgia – Producer: Broadcasting Company “Rustavi2”

20° Marly, le château disparu du Roi Soleil
Director: Laurent Marmol, Frédéric Lossignol – Country: Francia – Producer: Gedeon Programmes, Stéphane Milliere, Corine Janin, Histoire